August 31, 2011

Nice backsplash!

I just noticed that this $2.49 Million San Francisco house (above) has the exact same (or darn close to it!) tile backsplash we put in our house a couple years ago:

The SF house is gorgeous, but I don't know about the backsplash - it's a bit skimpy. Their kitchen would have been a real knockout if they extendeded the backsplash tile all the way to the ceiling - I'm sure they had the budget to spend an extra couple hundred bucks on tile!

August 26, 2011

Skunk Back-to-School Party Hangover

A little nature in the city

There's a skunk who lives in the backyard/alley vicinity. There are also a few kitties and birds who pass through. So far, we have all lived in harmony and give each other plenty of space and respect. In general, Skunkie only comes out at night, so we watch out for him then. Once I was taking out the trash late at night and found him bumbling along by the Quince tree. He was cute and looked half-blind. I left him the hell alone.

Early this afternoon, the pup and I were doing one of our daily patrols and found something interesting (and disgusting). It was a pile of whole and half chewed worms, grubs, and berries, surrounded in something biley and jelly-like. If you think that sounds gross, just be glad I'm sparing you a photograph. Mattie was so entranced by the discovery, she tried to roll in it and got yelled at.

We found a few more piles of half-worm grossness that led to the big pile. Skunkie must have over-partied on grubs and worms last night and was feeling a little hungover this morning.

August 12, 2011

New Green Waste Bin Changes my Life

*photo credit: Fred
I was going to blog about our new green waste/compost bin from the City, but my neighbor beat me to it.

I was reluctant about the green waste bin - I don't know why. I didn't to pay for it, or have it take up room in the backyard. But now that we actually have growing things in the yard, it's been amazing. I've already filled it up the minute they've emptied it! I love it!

We have a compost bin already - but the last time I stirred it, a mouse and I scared the crap out of each other. So I'm giving him some space.