March 27, 2012

New (partial) fence!

We fenced most of the property a few years ago, but there was an area we skipped because there was a nice greenwall/barrier there already. Alas, the years had worn away the fence that supported the greenwall and it started to get rickety. There was a gap in one corner where Mattie made a break for it one rainy night (not fun for her moms!). Plus, my neighbors would suffer second-hand smoke inhalation every time we BBQ'd.

So we decided to take out the old fence. Actually - my neighbors (including this world-famous blogger) removed the old fence and volunteer cherry trees growing along the border, and we had the new fence put in.

In this picture, you can see that the old fence/hedge yielded many a valuable treasure, including a luxurious pair of muddy longjohns!

The new fence still has that "too new" look about it, so we have our work cut out for us this spring planting some trellis and greening up the place (with anything other than ivy!). I've got cardboard piled on the ground to choke out the grass on the other end. I'm thinking raspberry trellis + some kind of groundcover?


  1. Those are my long johns! Give 'em back!

  2. Too late! I'm already wearin' 'em!

  3. Beautiful fence! Gates are a problem for me. All of the designs seem to be heavy and weak (bad combination).

  4. Thanks, Joel! Yep, gates are tricky. I always want nice locking deadbolts too - like a doorway, but they all end up a little rusty
